Commit Graph

7 Commits (master)

Author SHA1 Message Date
花裤衩 b94e69be6f
[release] 4.0.0 (#1291)
* fix[ExternalLink]: fixed bug when url include chinese #1182

* feature: support  Spanish(#1196)

* fix[MockJS]: fix bug with withCredentials after using mockjs  (#1194)

* 修复 Mock 导致请求丢失 Cookie 的问题

修复 Mock 导致 Cookie 丢失的问题,只有在 周期时,自定义的 withCredentials 会被挂载,此时检查是否是未被拦截的 xhr,并挂载自定义的 withCredentials ,无则默认为 false

* update readme

* perf[tagsView]: refactor the moveToTarget function (#1195)

* fix[tagsView]:fixed visited view move to currentTag

* edit the scroll regular friendly

* tweak

* fix[tagsView]: fixed moveToCurrentTag bug

* feature: add pagination component (#1213)

* fix[TagsView]: fixed update tags title demo bug (#1223)

* chore: temporary hack cssnano bug #1222

* [release] 3.9.2

* chore: restore the hack of cssnano bug

* add an example of sort data by table  (#1236)

* feature: add drag select component (#1249)

* feat: perfect migrate to @vue/cli-service, upgrade vue babel version (#1267)

* feat: perfect migrate to @vue/cli-service, upgrade vue babel version

1. update to @vue/cli-service@3.0.5, @babel/core@7.0.0
2. use vue-cli service replace config file in build/ and config/
3. upgrade vue and babel configuration
4. solve the svg-sprite config problem #980

refs: #932 #1087  #980 #1056

* fix: fix breadcrumb dependency

* fix: fix index template and static assets load with vue-cli 3

* fix: fix import driver.js in guide page

* refactor(mock): mak mock api compatible with both web-view and webpack server

1. 把 Mockjs 功能移到 server 端中间件,同时也兼容前端直接劫持 XHR
2. dev 环境下默认作为 express 中间件通过 webpack server 提供 mock api
3. prod 构建时,默认在前端用 Mockjs 劫持 XHR

  - dev 开发调试时能直接看到 XHR 请求,方便调试网络,能和后端对接联调
  - 避开在开发时因为 Mockjs 引起的网络 bug
  - prod 构建时劫持 XHR,保证本项目的 Github Pages preview 能正常显示 (逻辑和 error-log 一样)
  - 前后台使用的 mock 是同一份代码,不会增加维护负担

ref: [#562](

* update requires the lowest version of node

* add favicon

* fix(TreeTable): fix `Array.prototype.concat` on custom-tree-table page

* update

* add test

* fix bug

* fix[Charts]: fixed charts resize mixins bug  #1285 (#1290)

* perf[Tinymce]: add searchreplace plugin

* perf[avatar]:minimize the selected area of avatar on the mobile phone when user clicked avatar (#1304)

* refine css

* fix[DragSelect]: fixed querySelectorAll bug

* perf[DragSelect]: add $listeners

* fix link

* fix[Breadcurmb]: fixed pathCompile bug

* fix[Breadcurmb]: fixed router-link bug

* perf[style]: use webpack alias instead of hard code src path (#1338)

* perf[style]: use webpack alias instead of hard code src path

* add sponsors

* fix import path bug

* update vue-router to fixed url path for non ascii urls #1362

* fix[Pagination]: apply PageSizes property to el-pagination  (#1355)

Apply PageSizes property to el-pagination

* update dependence

* add tui.editor (#1374)

* tweak

* add preview

* fix return back bug

* update guide page

* fix[Tinymce]: fixed fullScreen bug #1400

* feat[Breadcrumb]: add hide Breadcrumb option #1442

* perf: use WeChat 7.0 new version icon color

* refactor[login]: refactor login page style

* perf[ScrollPane]: refine moveToTarget code (#1460)

* feature[PDF]: add PDF demo (#1469)

* perf[v-permission]: refine v-permission demo

* perf[Sidebar]: refine sidebar store #1473 (#1474)

* refine: GetUserInfo error message

* fix typo (#1505)

* perf: add sidebar width to variables.scss (#1494)

* tweak

* fix[ThemePicker]: fixed bug when oldVal is null (#1517)

* update

* fix[Breadcrumb]: fixed eslint error (#1521)

* fix[DndList]: fixed drag bug (#1527)

* pref[Hamburger]: refactor Hamburger component (#1528)

* 美化侧栏菜单切换按钮

* tweak

* perf[Login Form]: optimize eye icon style (#1545)

* optimiz: eye icon style for login form

* change eye-open svg

* perf[Sticky]: export reset method (#1550)

* perf[Sticky]: refine width default value

* perf[utils]: refine parseTime function (#1546)

* 优化 parseTime


* Update index.js

* perf[UploadExcel]: optimized code (#1552)

* perf: adjust the import order to make it more elegant #1537

* perf[Sidebar]: use sass variables in vue template

* perf[Style]: optimize the sidebar style to make it better to set (#1568)

* perf[SizeSelect]: add default size option (#1566)

* fix[SIdebar]: fixed bug in mobile #1567 (#1569)

* perf: fixed eslint errors

* perf[Lang]: make up for miss keywords

* perf: optimize some code

* perf[Navbar]: refactor navbar style

* perf[Login]: refine css

* feature[Navbar]: add header-search component(#1591)

* fix[Screenfull]: fix screenfull click bug

* perf[Screenfull]: refactor screenfull component

* fix[Screenfull]: fix screenfull bug (#1603)

* fix typo

* fearure[TagsView]: add affix option (#1577)

* perf[utils]: optimize code

* perf[utils]: optimizate variable name

* perf[Navbar]: add scroll bar when the subMenu is too long (#1619)

* perf[ThemePicker]: refine updateStyle function (#554)

* theme replacing should cut tons of irrelevant css

* perf[ResizeHandler]: optimized the judgment of isMobile (#1633)

perf[ResizeHandler]: optimized the judgment of isMobile

*  fix[Sidebar]: fixed infinite loop bug(#1333)

* fixed infinite loop Bug when in hasOneShowingChild Edit the onlyOneChild

* tweak

* fix[Sidebar]: data should return a object

* perf[Sidebar]: optimize code logic (#1349)

* fix[TagsView]: fixed refresh affixed-tag bug (#1653)

* perf[utils.js]: refactor byteLength function (#1650)

* perf[TagsView]: refine code

* perf[TagsView]: set the scrollPane as a business component (#1660)

* fix[DragTable]: support multiple drag-table (#1666)

* perf[Tree-Table]: refactor tree-table

* perf[Tree-Table]: organize the structure and add documentation (#1673)

* fix[Sidebar]: fixed nested router hover bug

* update version

* set preserveWhitespace

* lint code

* fix jest test case

* update config

* bump

* remove empty file

* docs: add link

* fix[Sidebar]: fixed collapse animation problem (#1690)

* fix[Tree-Table]: fixed update item data bug (#1692)

* fix[Waves-Directive]: fixed v-waves does not support update (#1705)

* update husky

* rm cli-plugin-eslint

* add settings (#1707)

* refine settings

* fix[utils]: fixed param2Obj not decoding plus sign (#1712)

* feature[Directive]: add auto-height table directive (#1702)

* fix bug

* feature[Permission]: add role permission management page (#1605)

* feature[Excel]: support export merged header export (#1718)

* feature[Excel]: add export merge header excel demo

* lint

* refine theme color

* add role mock

* tweak mock

* fix[Excel]: fixed export merge-header excel bug

* refine code

* add ThemePicker to setting

* fix[HeaderSearch]: fixed bug in vue2.6+ (#1733)

* fix[Sticky]: fixed bug when set stickyTop

* perf[Sticky]: refine demo

* refine code

* tweak mock

* vuex add namespaced

* fix[Excel]: fixed export bug (#1736)

* rm

* refactor permission

* perf[ThemePicker]: add predefine (#1743)

* fix[Utils]: fixed deepClone error msg (#1748)

* feature: add fixedHeader settings

* fix style in mobile

* fix chore

* perf[Eslint]: update eslint rules

* feature: add create template (#1762)

* add comment

* update vue.config.js

* feature: add sidebar logo (#1767)

* rm

* perf settings

* bump

* refine script and css

* update

* refine settings

* refine config

* update docs

* refine

* rm

* fix jest

* add theme setting

* dump vue-cli

* perf: remove redundant code

* update element-ui

* fix sticky demo bug

* docs

* fixed password input  bug

* refine login form css

* remove tree-table

* update version

* mock error

* refine layout name

* refine
5 years ago
Jere b8d47bd847 chore: update eslint && lint code 5 years ago
花裤衩 e5d4290938
refactor: add eslint-plugin-vue && lint code (#976) 6 years ago
花裤衩 dc162093cc
refactor[core]: use webpack-dev-server now (#355)
* bump deps: update vue-splitpane version

* refactor[chore]: use webpack-dev-serve build

* perf:settings

* doc: uodate readme
6 years ago
Pan 98d5f9a247 lint:format code style 7 years ago
Pan 551e911eb4 全局lint优化 7 years ago
Pan d10370086e init 7 years ago